Sunday, 3 July 2016

I met the QUEEN

June 2016 I traveled up to the UK for the Queens Young Leaders residential week and award programme. 

The entire week was AMAZING but the highlight of the week was meeting her majesty the Queen. It is not everyday we wake up thinking - I will go meet the Queen today. The winners from the Queens Young Leaders programme are indeed privileged to be among the those selected individuals who have the honour of meeting her majesty. And it was worth the wait.  
She is such a sweet lady! She spoke to each and everyone of us when we walked up to receive our awards and this is a moment we will cherish for the rest of our lives. 

(Official photo from the Buckingham Palace) 

At 90 she is still walking around on her and took out the time to speak to each and everyone of us for a few minutes. 

I am now among the 120 Youth from across the Commonwealth who have received their medals from her majesty, in recognition for the youth work we do in our respective communities.  I cant think of a better way to leave behind a legacy then by investing in the youth to carry forward the leadership and social causes. 

Earlier that day Jacob and I were asked how we were feeling about meeting Her Majesty that evening. Here is what we had to say :-)

And later that day we had one hour to get dressed so I tried to motivate my fellow QYLs through this video

About the outfit: I stitched my outfit to wear for awards function :-) Kept it simple but put in a little bit of thought into it. So the salwar kamiz highlights my Indo heritage (ancestors from India) and the woven shoes represent my Fijian heritage (Fijian - Nationality). Woven mats are symbolic to Fiji and the Pacific communities. My brother-in-law printed a Samoan design on my veil so I could also share my extended family heritage. I was very happy to receive compliments from so many people on the outfit. I must add - all the QYL's looked amazing in their respective outfits. JOB WELL DONE guys!!! 

(photo from Google)

Its only upwards from here... 

Until next blog.