Monday, 4 July 2016

Love, lie, the end.

Love, Lie, the End. 

He said he loves me and asked me to marry him. 
He said he loves my smile and asked me to marry him.
He said he loved my jokes and asked me to marry him. 
He said I had a wonderful personality and asked me to marry him. 

I loved his smile. I said I will marry you.
I loved how he was around kids. I said I will marry you. 
I loved how passionate he was about his job. I said I will marry you. 
I loved how he cared for his parents. I said I will marry you. 

He bought me flowers and chocolates after work. I thought I was lucky.
He gifted me jewelry for no occasion.  I thought I was lucky. 
He remembered birthdays, anniversaries and other dates. I thought I was lucky. 
He took me traveling and sightseeing. I thought I was lucky.  

I cooked his favourite meals. He said I was the best. 
I mended his clothes before he could ask me.  He said I was the best.  
I had his dinner ready before he got home from work. He said I was the best.  
I took photos of us during out trips. He said I was the best. 
I always kissed him bye before he left for work. He said I was the best. 

He started working late. I thought it happens. 
He started eating out. I thought it happens.  
He started to sleep early. I thought it happens.
He started drinking a lot  I thought it happens.  
He started to distance himself.  I thought happens.  
He started leaving for work early. I thought it happens. 

I started to doubt my logic. How could this be? 
I started to check his phone log. How could this be?
I started to see a pattern.  How could this be?
I started to put together the pieces.  How could this be?
I started to take notes. How could this be?
I started to draw the conclusion. How could this be?

I packed his belonging in a suitcase. I'm not standing for this  
I put his belongings at the gate. I'm not standing for this.
I changed the locks to our home. I'm not standing for this.

I went for a little vacation. He can sort out his shit.

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