Friday, 10 June 2016

5 Days to QYL Residential Week: 2016

5 Days to QYL Residential Week!!

I hope your packing is coming along fine, or at least that you have made a list of things that you need to pack?? Among all the packing excitement don't forget to make arrangements for things back at home.

1. Are your assignments/reports done? Are they due during the residential week? Are they due immediately after the residential week? Have you notified your teacher/lecture that you will be away. Be sure to inform the relevant authorities that you will be away and be sure to submit the relevant reports before your departure.

2. For the working bees - have you reminded your boss/manager/team that you will be away? You should. Also, handover the relevant files/documents to the person who will be checking up on things in your absence. Sometimes our managers and team forget who is going on leave, so just out of courtesy- give them a reminder.

 3. Will someone be house sitting for you? Will someone be coming over to check up on your pet(s)/ plants/ flat in general??? If you need someone to do these ask them now, don't leave it to the last minute, because the others might have plans too.

4. Rent? Bills? if these are due during residential week make an effort to pay for them before your departure or have a trusted friend make the payment on your behalf, OR inform the relevant person that your payment will be coming in a little this time around. My personal choice is number 1: Make the payments before I depart.

Happy check-listing :-)

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