Friday, 10 June 2016

9 Days to QYL residential week 2016

9 Days to QYL residential Week!!

Time to get excited guys!!!! 9 more days to #QYL#residentialWeek 2016!!! 
How is your checklist coming along?
Be sure that all your documents are ready and handy. Put all the documents in a file. 
I like to label the pages in the file and put things in order of need.

For example; The first ticket I need is in the first pocket. 
I also use coloured post its to separate the sections with the types of documents I file. 
-pink post it = tickets
-yellow post it = Sponsor letter, accommodation, emergency contact. 
-green post it = personal documents: copy of passport page, copy of visa page, contacts for back home etc. 

How do you pack the relevant travel documents? 

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