Wednesday, 1 June 2016

15 days to QYL residential week

15 days to QYL residential week

Tip # 5: 
Make a list of all the things you need to pack. Keep this list handy and if possible check which of these items you need to purchase so you can get them early. 

Keep the list handy. 
Write it out in a notebook; white board; stick the list on your mirror or fridge - somewhere visible.  Tick or cross things off the list so you know what remains. Try to pack everything at least 2 days before your travel date. This way you have a peace of mind and don't panic just before you travel. 

What is on your list? Here is our travelers guide to packing :-) 

#TravelDiary #travel #Fj2UK #Fiji #youth#youthCan #YouthWill

Until next blog...

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