Wednesday, 25 May 2016

20 days to QYL 2016

20 days to QYL residential week 2016

Tip #4: Hand Carry (for Residential Week)
During the QYL Residential week participants have a list of places they will be visiting and key people they will be meeting. For these meets keep a small bag handy. it can be a back-pack, a handbag, a nap snack or a shoulder bag. 

1. Keep your important items with you at all times. This may include; ID card(s), money, laptop, phone, camera (if the venue restricts use of gadgets-store them in a safe place). 
2. Keep a note book and pen handy. When you attend meetings and seminars you may want to note down important things mentioned. Some may record things via memo on their smartphones. I still prefer note book and pen. 
3. Personal items- this may include; lotion, perfume, (makeup for our lovely ladies), hand sanitizer, sanitary napkins, bottle of water and handkerchief or face towel. 
4. Contact cards: Have copies of your contact details handy. This can be a simple card that includes your name, organization name and address, phone contact, email address and social media handles. Simple and within budget contact cards can be printed on normal paper and glued them on vanguard sheets. 

What are some things you like to keep in your bag when you attend important meetings? 

Until next blog...

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