Wednesday, 18 May 2016

30 days to QYL 2016

30 days to QYL Residential Week: 2016

TIP # 3: 
Go through the weeks itinerary and read up about the places and organizations to be visited. 

1. Reading about a place before you visit gives you background information. 
2.This is usually helpful because you have a fair understanding of where you are going. 
3.Conversations at the venue may be about something that has happened there so you would have some idea about this and it may help you ask questions or just be part of the conversation. 
4. Keep a little notebook where you can jot down important information when you read about it. While visiting you may have questions so you can jot down the answers or they may share some new information and you can write these down. 
5. Some of the places on the list might be of particular interest to you or your group, keep contact cards handy to give to key people you may interact with at these places. 

On that note it would help to read 21 things you need to know before visiting Britain :-) 

Until next blog..........

*In the lead up to the QYL residential week I am posting (I hope) helpful tips for fellow QYL participants. The aim of this is to help you pack and ease off the worrying! Enjoy the build up to one of the most exciting days of your life. 
Thank you to fellow QYLs (2015) for providing some tips and contributing to these posts.

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