Sunday, 27 September 2015

To do or not to do? What to do?

So much has been happening in the recent past and I feel that I haven't been able to keep up with everything. I try to. But I haven't been able to do so. Well, to be honest I m trying to keep up with everything, trying to give my best but there is just one of me and only 24 hours in a day. I feel that I have been taking on too many things on my plate. 
So how do I fix it?

Slowly, very slowly, I am dropping a few things from my plate. 

Step 1: List it.
Make a list of things I have to do and things I am engaged in. 
Step 2: Classification of list.
List down (i) How the group benefits from me present and (ii) How I benefit from the group. While for pending tasks (like writing and sorting through kind): (a)List down deadlines; (b)What is most urgent; (c)What can be done later and the World will not end if I don't do it right now?
Making the cuts. Now The tough decision(s) of what to give my time and energy to and what to withdraw from. 
I have been telling myself that my withdrawing from a project or group/organization I am not QUITTING; I am simply making the leadership decision that I can't do everything and others things require more time and effort from me. So, rather then letting the group down entirely I am saying "Sorry guys, I need to step back because right now I can't commit to this". This has been difficult because I feel like I am letting the group/project down. But to be honest sometimes we need to realize that we can't do everything. And things we pop up that will mess up our plans/schedules. 
Step 4: Emotions. 
Don't feel guilty about things you have had to let go from your list. If it was a group you had to withdraw from, write to them nicely and tell them why you are withdrawing and that you would appreciate their understanding. If it is something from your to-do list that you feel you can't do now; strike it out and say bye to it. Think about the other things on your list that you can give more time and effort to now and enjoy that. Somethings on our lists become out-dated because we didn't do at the given time. Don't worry about it. We are not superHuman.  (although I like to think I am). 
Step 5: Time Management
Now that we have redone our list it is time to manage our time wisely and get things moving on this 'new' list. Give yourself time frames for each point and if your pass the time you can't go back to it. This may motivate you to actually do the task at hand and not procrastinate. For example; You have to write a blog article about '16 days of activism' and this needs to go out by 24th Nov because 16 days begins on 25th Nov. If by the evening of the 24th you haven't done this task there is no point doing it two days late when 16 days has actually started. Give yourself a few days before actual events as deadlines and work towards these with passion. If you are lacking the passion then it may be safe to say that it shouldn't be on your list of things to do. 
Step 6: Picking up the slack. 
Once we start to manage our time better we will be getting back on track with things. I for one feel refreshed and happier when I meet deadlines and strike things off the list as DONE! I reward myself with some 'social media' time; with chocolates or cookies and sometimes with a movie treat :-) we are becoming too caught up with gadgets. Being glued to the screens of our televisions; cellphones; tablets or even laptops/desktops are eating away precious time we can spend doing something more constructive. So let's pick up the slack. 
NO MORE!!! I SHOULD do this/that. It has to become I WILL do this/that. 

Let me know how you manage your to-do or DONE list. 
How do you handle the multiple group associations.?
What motivates you to get things done? 

Until next blog...

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