Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Happy Birthday Fariha

Our very good friend FARIHA just surpassed her teenage days and turned 20! Of course we had a little dinner get together with some friends, pizza and a cake :-) 

I wanted to make something special for her and whipped up this design. She does love her colors so i made an attempt to color the piece before I added the photo and framed it. 

Lucky for me she loved the colors. Don't get me wrong, I love coloring but I found that it was different when your color in something that is for you and when you color it in for someone else. But always a first time to do something. 
So from the 'sisterhood of soul sisters' Here's to wishing Fariha a wonderful journey out of teen-kingdom and into her Youth years. As for me, this will be the beginning of many more colorful projects.  

(I am still getting the hang of creating pieces based on themes. I usually just doodle away when I have spare time to need to get over a writers block, or workers block :-)

Until next blog...

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