Thursday, 12 February 2015

Spoken Words: Emotional Vagina

Spoken Words: Emotional Vagina (1)

Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. (Yells in a lost voice).
Every Vagina will tell you a story. 
The stories of these vagina's need to be told….
Retold and told some more. Vagina's all over the world are crying. They are weeping.  They want to have their stories told. 
They want to share their justice and they want to scream their injustice. 
Worldwide statistics show the gruesome number of injustice happening to females (young and old) – Physical, verbal, emotional and psychological; abuse, torture, harassment, beatings, burning, smacking, spanking, rape, incest, defilement, circumcision, female infanticide and the list goes on and on. The injustice grows – day in – day out.
Society is always blaming women and placing them at fault. If you wear a mini dress they say you will get raped. A 6 month old baby got raped. What was she, sexy in her diapers? When a wife refuses to have sex with her husband – he forces her anyway. Society says its not rape because he was her husband. If she said NO to the sex, it is RAPE.
When you wear a Hijab (head scarf) – they say you are oppressed. Freedom, my friend, is wearing what you want to wear and covering what you want to cover. Weather it is a religious intention or just your fashion sense. If you want to wear an outfit it should be your choice. Not conformity to the society.
If you get an education society considers you a modern woman and thinks you will not listen to your husband. Why should we be controlled by husbands?
If you don’t get an education – Society says you are a poor girl, who is suppressed. And say that your parents should have prioritized your education.
Not all education is formal education. Some education is informal – it is through stories, dance, music and arts.
If she is the head of an org – She must have slept her way up. If she is still a junior – How unfair she should be promoted.
Some women have worked extremely hard to get where they are now. Some women prefer to a smaller job. No work is too big or too small. It is your honesty and dedication that matters most.
If she lifts something heavy – oh you poor thing let me lift it for you. If someone lifts it for her – Pssh gender equality – she can’t even carry her own shit. When something is heavy, I will ask for help. I can’t lift the entire world on my shoulders – although that’s what you seem to think I should be doing.
If she drives a van, has short hair, plays sports or wears pants a lot – look at her she wants to be man. If she wears a skirt, wears makeup, heels and likes pink – oh my god why are you such a girl? Pink doesn't make me girly. Blue doesn't make you boyish. We should be colorblind and see the world grey!!!
If she wants to work outdoors, like become a carpenter – again society complains, how will you cope working with men?
If she works in an office (indoor) – Society tells her to challenge herself. Men are chefs, nurses, secretary etc. We are not complaining about them. Or should we be discriminating against them too. No we shouldn't. We share and demand equality.
Society finds fault with women, everywhere, every day. Vagina's everywhere are frustrated. There is no winning!! It is always the vagina's fault. The emotions of these vagina's are tested. My vagina.  Your vagina.  Her vagina, our vagina's. They are probably all confused. We live amongst different types of Vagina's.
Happy vagina – She works, she schools, she cooks, she cleans, she plays sports, she has fun.
Sad vagina – She is alone. She has no one to share her loneliness with. No friend to talk to. No companion to understand her.
Angry vagina – There is no winning in this world. It is always the vagina who is wrong. It is always the vagina's fault. It is the vagina who should have improved herself.
Sexy Vagina – She wants to be loved. She doesn't need judging. She likes her promiscuity.
Empowered vagina. She is informed and she stands up for her rights. She informs you of your rights and fights for your Vagina's rights too.
Lost Vagina - What is going on? Why is this happening? Who can I go to for help?
Fun Vagina. Playing under the sun. Hanging out with her friends. Jokes and laughs the day comes to end.
Oppressed vagina - My decisions are made by my parents, my husband and my elders. I have no say in my life. The decisions are made for me by others.
Strong Vagina - My body. My Rules. I decide what I will do with my life. No one else has the right to make my decisions without my consultation.
LGBTIQ Vagina  – that is against our religions!!! Domestic violence, rape, abuse, incest, adultery etc.. all against our religions. Ban these sinners from the religious organizations too.
Curious Vagina - what is this? What is that? Why are these things like this? 
MODERN WOMAN has no modesty. WRONG!!! A very wise woman once said “You are modern in your thoughts. Not how you dress. How much education you have or where you live.
Thanks mum! Your wise words help me.
Vagina's have been suffering for far too long. They are told what to wear, how to wear it. Where to go, who to go with. Don’t go out at night, people will say you are a ‘bad girl’. How to speak, who to speak to. Don’t speak to strangers. Don't speak too loudly. Don’t laugh too loudly.  When to get married, who to get married to. Get an education and what type of education you get. What to eat – you are too fat. You are too skinny. Here put on this cream, you will get fair. Don’t go into the sun you will get dark. What boy will marry you?? Learn to cook, what will your mother in law say!! Save yourself for your husband. If you are not a virgin you will shame the family – Wait a min – what about my husband’s virginity? Should that not be preached as strongly as woman’s virginity is preached!!!
Vagina's everywhere are frustrated
Vagina's everywhere are angry
Vagina's want to be happy
Vagina's want to feel sexy
Vagina's want to be left alone and not abused, tortured or traumatized anymore.
Vagina's want some respect.
Vagina's want equality.
Vagina's want to have a say in what goes on in their life.
Vagina's want to be special too.
Vagina's want to be left alone.
When vagina says NO. She means No and she expects you to obey that NO.
Vagina's want to be consulted.
And not insulted.
Vagina's want to be respected.
Vagina's want to be included.
Vagina's don’t want to be discriminated.
Vagina's want to share their experiences.
Vagina's have expectations.
Vagina's want to scream.
Vagina's want to shout out loud on the top of their voice.
Vagina's want to dance around and be free.
Vagina's want to feel safe at home, school, work, community and even in that dark alley.
Vagina's are sick and tired of the injustice.
Vagina's are sick and tired of being silenced.
Vagina's don’t want to be disrespected.
Vagina's should be respected.Vagina's should be respected. Vagina's should be respected. Vagina's should be respected. Vagina's should be respected.

*We would like to thank our male friend champions who lobby with us and fight the fight with us. Thank you for rising with us. Thank you for rising for others with us. Thank you for giving us hope. We love you and your efforts towards us. 

Written by: Alzima ELisha Bano-Mow 
Performed by members of the Advocacy through Creative Techniques (AtCT)

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