Thursday, 12 February 2015

ToL: Stop Stigma against mental health

Stop Stigma against Mental Health

The Youth Champs for Mental Health (YC4MH) embarked on a street project to create awareness on tge stigma associated with people who live on the streets with Mental illness.
The idea is to create awareness on Mental Health and to reduce the discrimination.

The MisMatched Company has a program called "Advocacy through Creative Techniques: AtCT" and we joined hands with YC4MH to create this awareness.

Photos available on: 

It was an interesting journey for us as  set with them on the streets of main street Suva City in front of one of the busiest meeting points MHCC. People walked by reading our playcards. Some stopped to ask who we were, some just gave coins and hurried off while others just hurried off. It is interesting how the human behaves. 
We were a small group of youth sitting with a tape across our lips, playcards with advocacy messages and a permit to sit there... and people actually gave us money.

*all money given/donated will be used to buy food for those unfortunate who live on the streets on the daily. 

On behalf of the MisMatche Company i would like to thank YC4MH for giving us the opportunity to sit with them and be a part of this advocacy 
It was a learning experience for us and am sure it was a learning experience for the people who took.out their time to have a conversation with and find out what was going on...

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