Thursday, 12 February 2015

Spoken Words: Balance Check

Balance check

When you are a kid you eat, play, sleep and repeat.
No care in the world because you don't know much about commitment, disappointment or consequences.
This is where you find balance.
Had enough to eat. CHECK!
Had enough sleep. CHECK!
Had enough to play. CHECK!

Step 2: time to cram in school.
You get big books and you learn tools.
Some you use.
Other are just issues.
You spend hours slaving over homework.
You spend hours studying for exams.
You spend hours talking to your friend.
You spend hours playing it cool.

There is still a balance check.
Home. School. Friends. Family. Sleep.

Step 3:  the 8hrs a day routine.
You hunt for a job to apply your knowledge in.
You strive to learn new skills.
You work to impress for a promotion maybe or just to pay the bill.
Sick sheets you get six in the year - yet there are twelve months??
Annual leave days you get ten to fourteen in the year. Is that really enough??
Come to work early daily no one notices.
Come late one day and you get a letter.
Submit reports on time there is no thank you. Hand it in one day late, here is your letter.
Miss lunch all week no one bothers. Take 15 minutes extra one day, here is your letter.

The balance is shifting.
Home. Work. Work. Family. Work. Friends. Work. Work.

We shift the balance.
We bring it upon ourselves.
We move the bench mark.
We shift the balance.

Keep the balance.

Work on time.
Eat on time.
Sleep on time.
Play on time.
Read on time.
Family time and friends time.
All in the balance of life.

Because no one gets out alive.

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