Thursday, 12 February 2015

REVIEW: Damodar City

Check your ticket(s)

Saturday 10.45am we went to Damodar Event/ Damodar City to get tickets for the Hindi movie Holiday.
I asked for 7 tickets for the 8.40pm show. 
We paid the lady.
Counted our tickets and went abut our day. 

In the evening we got to the Cinema, showed our tickets to the attendant in front of the Vmax door, he ripped our tickets and let us in. 
A second attendant was taking us to row of seats (since they are numbered) and than realized we were in the wrong cinema as our tickets were for Cinema 2 (next to Vmax cinema). 
We came out and the second attendant informed the first attendant of his mistake. His response: " Oh they said Holiday so I sent them to VMax" 

So you will not do what you are paid to do, which is to check the tickets before letting me in???? 

We were informed that Cinema 2 movie begins at 9.10pm. 
A little confused I went to wait but than I checked the movie times on the display screen. 

It read that 9.10pm in Cinema 2 an English movie was screening. 
I went back to the first attendant and asked what movie was screening in Cinema 2 at 9.10m he gave me the name of the English movie. 
I informed him that we purchased tickets for evening screening of Hindi movie- Holiday. 

(he had already ripped my ticket- without checking). 

The Manager was walking by and attended to us. (He was very nice lucky). 

So I told him my side of the story, he checked our tickets and informed us that the cashier int he morning had sold us tickets for the 11am screening of the Hindi movie Holiday!!! 

Unfortunately she wasnt at work at this hour, the 8.40pm screening was full, they dont do a cash refund so our only option was to watch the movie on the following day. 

Very annoyed and frustrated we agreed to watch the movie tomorrow. (Sunday).

on our way out - yeah the story doesnt end here - I met a high school friend who was going movies. I asked her how she was doing and she told us that she came to watch movies the night before and they mucked up their tickets so she got tickets for today (Saturday). 

I told her we just went through the same thing. 

Anyways we came home, had a good laugh and told stories until we got sleepy. 

We went back to the Cinema. we were given our seats and the kids went out to get pop corn. 
I could hear the people sitting next to me talking.
Man: My mum came t watch this movie yesterday, she asked for 11am ticket and they sold her 5pm ticket. When she came to the door she was told her movie is the evening. lucky there were a few seats left so she could change her ticket. 

well, well. We are not alone. 
A few minutes later a family of five come inside and look for their seats in front of us. 
Attendant: B 7 - 10 and C (something). 
So this family was given five tickets. 4 together and 1 away. they were lucky that the three seats next to them were empty so the fifth family set together with them. 

The movie was good. When we came out I could hear two ladies fussing with the attendant in the lobby about the wrong time tickets they have been given. 

Moral of the story - be careful with your tickets. Please check all details on your tickets.
Time. Seating. Cinema number. Movie name. etc!! 

They don't refund your money... And don't buy popcorn (and munchies) until you know for a fact that you are there to watch the right movie...

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