Thursday, 12 February 2015

Review: Nutri-Grain


Why am I writing a blog about cereal?
Because this is not just cereal to me.
Growing up we used to eat cornflakes and weet bix most of the time, until the yummy chocolate goodness of Milo/Cocoa crunch and Pops entered our World. 
We would eat these in secret and NEVER for breakfast because you know "Chocolate for breakfast is unhealthy" and all that stuff (I dont believe in that). 

Any ways than came Nutrigrain!! It was like the top shelf of alcohol but cereal, meaning it is the most expensive cereal I have met!!

My sister and I would buy it (sometimes) and eat it while we watched movies! Yeah it never served its breakfast purpose for us. 

Today I sit in the office (hungry as hell because i woke up late and skipped breakfast at home) staring at this box of nutrigrain and saying to myself "Today you serve your purpose. Today I eat you for breakfast."

Sounds weird and tacky. I know, I can read (hahah/ lol??) but also I miss having my sister around to do this cheeky things. 

*no, she doesn't live to far from me but we both have such busy lives it is the small things  that make you miss the good things in life. 

A workmate said this morning - You are truly happy with life with what you can control.

Anyways, while i devour this box of yummy goodness hope you all have a blessed week ahead :-) 

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