Thursday, 12 February 2015

Chef de Elly; Spaghetti noodles and mince

Chef de Elly: Speg and Mince with vegies

Usually our dinner goes by the following steps:
1) What do we feel like eating?
2) What do we have?
3) Purchase anything extra we need.
4) Cook.
5) Eat!!

Today things went a little different;
1) What do we have?
2) What can I make from these?
3) Prep.
4) Cook.
5) Eat!!

And what we had were: cabbages; carrots; celery; onions; lamb mince; potato.

First I thought of making Shepard pie but went against that and made stir fry vegies.
Cooked the mince in herb sauce and boiled spaghetti noodles.

The end result:

The food tasted good. It was very filling and I didnt have to go buy anything extra :-)

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