Wednesday, 26 April 2017

FjFW 2016 (Day 1)

Fiji Fashion Week 2016
Resort Wear Show
8 Sept 2016
Vodafone Arena

Now I am no fashion blogger but I love to watch the Fashion Show. As a consumer of the Fashion industry and a lover of creativity and art I too have my 2 cent when I watch the show. 

This post is not about individual designer breakdown, rather, it gives my 2cent on how youth are involved in the Fiji Fashion Week. I have been working with the photography team during this annual event and this year I thought to take a different approach. I must say I was impressed with the amount of Youth involved in putting the show together. 

The theme of the evening event was Resort Wear so naturally the colours showcased tonight were bright and fabrics seemed cool. Overall - I loved the show!

1. 8 year old designer
The show feature Mariah Alone, 8 year who designed a swimwear line with the help from her mother and family. This, I must say is truly inspiring and a great example of Innovation, Support, Creativity and Opportunity. 
It is extremely important for parents to support their children so they can live out their dreams. 

2. Models
Majority of the models are youth and while some have full time jobs and walk the runway for hobby others are considering this a future career and some using this platform to boost their confidence, network and have a feel of the fashion industry. 

3. Volunteers
The volunteers have been doing a lot of the behind the scene work and it can't be easy pulling together a Fashion show without the help of the volunteers. I spoke to some volunteers who have been at FjFW for a number of years now while it was a first time experience for some. Youth volunteerism is huge across the world and I am glad that our local youth get to learn a thing or two about fashion from Local as well International personals at this annual event. 

At this point I think I would like to highlight that The Fiji Fashion Week event engages numerous youth in this annual event. When we look at the Sustainable Development Goals and key points such as; Economic growth, Innovation, Employment, Education, International/Global partnership and Equal opportunities I think the fashion industry does tie into a lot of these. 
>The Fashion industry is thriving across the globe and it is contributing towards our Economic growth. 
>The various styles displayed showcased the innovation by various designers. 
>The fashion industry is a form of employment of many present at the event and others who contribute externally, example seamstress, graphic designers, printers and pattern makers. 
>The workshops conducted by FjFW and courses offered by FNU & APTC are contributing towards the fashion education needed by the designers and others in the industry. 
>International Designers and companies showcasing their produce at FjFW or coming here looking to partner with locals it shows a good link towards Global partnerships. 
>This annual opportunities is being utilized by local and International designers to showcase their work, generate interest and create discussion about what fashion means to us. 

And there is my brief take on tonight's show. It was a pleasure watching and chatting with the various people involved in the industry. 

Until next blog... 

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