Tuesday, 11 October 2016

DAY 1: Food for Thot _ Mobile App Development.

DAY 1: Food for Thot _ Mobile App Development.


Day 2 of the Mobile App Development workshop at the Youth Tech Camp carries on at Novotel, Lami
Bright Path Foundation members are facilitating this workshop and they are doing a great job!! :-) 

Yesterday we pitched ideas for Mobile App's that can be developed. I had pitched two ideas.

1) Food for thot: Save your time. Enjoy your food.

This app would allow you to check if there are seats available at your choice of restaurant (if they are registered with the app). Above is a sample of the Logo we created. It was actually the original work of one of our group member: Micheal Irava. 

This app will benefit consumers (local and tourists) and it will also benefit the Restaurant owners. How? 
Consumers: You get to check if there is a table available at the restaurant and it shows the rating given by other customers. 
The restaurant layout will indicate which/how many tables are available. A red table means NOT Available while a green table indicates Available. 
Food: 3 Stars Service: 2 stars Space: 2 stars - So this means the food is great but service is not - so Take away your food. 

This is what it will look like in the initial stages. You would click companies and it will take you to the next screen and list the companies that are registered with the app. They will be classified into categories like the second row of icons showing [Curry][Chinese][Oriental]and more categories can be added as the companies register themselves.
Once you click on the category it will shoe which restaurants are listed under that category. You can click on a restaurant of your choice (listed with the app) and it will take you to the seating available (or not) in that particular restaurant. At the bottom will be 3 stars which you can use to rate the food and the service offered. 
The reason for three stars: You either Like the Food or you Dont!! But we went with the traffic light concept that indicates: RED: Eww [food was bad] EMBER: Digestible [It was so-so] GREEN: Yum [food was great].
Once more companies register than there can be two choices on the homepage: Dinning | Review. If you click on dinning it would show what restaurants are available on our search and if you click review it will the review by customers for restaurants that are in our database. 

We thought of starting the idea small and keeping it open to recommendations and comments, depending on resources available we can make changes. The changes would also depend on our taste as the developers for the app. :-)

This segment of learning has been 'information overload' But I am glad I have been able to input up to this wireframe segment. I feel more tech savy than I ever did before :-) 

Untill next blog . . . 

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