Tuesday, 11 October 2016

17th KIP (2011) Pre programme

17th KIP 2011

Day 1 in India. 

26 April 2011 - Tuesday
Waking up in Room 228, Hotel Rockland Inn, CR Park, New Delhi - next to me is Parishka Sharma. Time on my watch is 9.30am (India Time) Gosh! That means I only slept for some six hours. Walked over to the window and stared out. The hotel signage was blocking most of my view of the road but I could still see partially. People driving like mad. People crossing anyhow. Some selling goodies to passer bys. Some yarning by the roadside.

By the time a freshened up the other two girls were awake and came over to our room. We made our way down to the lobby only to find out that breakfast ends at 10am! HAH!! We missed breakfast. We can't go out of the hotel. What will we do? 

The very nice lady at the counter came to us and told us we can go and breakfast =) Phew. That was such a relief. So we went and had breakfast. Enjoyed out first meal in India. It was similar to that back home :)

The chef came and met us - he was really nice - and told us to make our way back to the dinning area at 1pm for nice Lunch. So after our wonderful breakfast we made our way up to room 228 and watched TV. So many channels to flip through so we did not mind staying in doors. Plus this was a bonding moment for us as well. We all got to know each other a little better and this was time well spent.

at 1pm we went down for lunch - very yummy Pasta and salad and we also had delicious Butter Chicken and Naan :) And for dessert we had strawberry Ice cream :D

After lunch we returned to the room and watched TV and told jokes and stories =) It was fun.

For dinner we had pasta, aloo (Potato) curry and a very nice noodle dish. Mr. Sharma came to visit us and complimented on us being well behaved (a very LOL moment). it is very exciting that more participants will be coming down tomorrow :)      
can't wait :D

Day 2 in India. 

27 April 2011 - Wednesday
Day 2 of Hotel Arrest =( well it is not that bad but of course being in India and staying in doors is not much fun. we would rather be out doors and exploring this amazing city!!

The first KIPLET that we met was PRIYA RAVEL from USA. very nice young lady. BONUS it is her birthday today. how exciting!!

Slowly other participants started coming in.
There were
9 participants from South Africa.
5 from TnT.
2 form Suriname.
1 from France
1 from Peru.
2 from USA. And of course us
4 from Fiji.

Over dinner we got meet each other (others were still jet legged - poor people).
I remember while we set for dinner Mr. France (Ranjit) came in and mumbled something. I just got ..... Ranjit Singh from Fronce (yeah that is how you pronounced it Ranjit) and than he mumbled something off after and set to eat.

It was an eventful evening - Pratima (the other care taker who we had. She was LOVELY) got a cake for Priya and we all sang Happy Birthday for her. Pratima also smashed some cake on Priya's face (AWESOME).

From tomorrow the main purpose of this travel begins... the 17th Know India Program (April - May 2011)... Chalo Delhi :)

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