Tuesday, 11 October 2016

17th KIP (2011) Day 5

Day 5: 17th KIP A.I.R/JNU

2nd May 2011, May.

1st  we visited  the All India Radio (AIR). Each day my excitement just grows so much more. We received a tour of the grand radio station. 
Fiji is a very small place compared to India and so our radio stations in Fiji are on very small premises. 
We were welcomed into the conference room with roses (one for each one of us) and sweets. 
And these were very delicious sweets. nomnom!! We were briefed on what AIR is and what they do. So some information I noted were:

AIR is the only radio station that has a Youth Channel where they discuss Youth issues.
They do not have a specific English station but allocate slots where they play English music.
They have 7 channels: 1) Main AM frequency 2) Rajdhany (alternative channel) 3)Urvanu Channel- exclusive for Youth. 4) Vivid Bharit- commercial 5) FM Rainbow 6) FM Gold 7) DTS- connecting other district stations. 

The panel from the radio station engaged us in question and answers. they asked us about media in our respective countries and we asked them more questions about theirs. It was a constructive session and a good learning experience for us. 

2nd we visited Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 
The KIP members attended a short lecture on the programs and courses offered by the University and the opportunities it offers for International students. 
After that we were given a tour of the University- the very large library and the small book shop stalls. I got very excited by the range of books offered there. Bought 2 Psych books and one on gender and community all for $40FJD (Equivalent to about $20USD). 

The University halls had a great deal of Advocacy posters on the halls and important notices everywhere. 

Another great day well spent. 

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