Wednesday, 24 August 2016

What I stitched & wore (QYL: 2016)

What I stitched & wore?

Attending something as amazing as the Queen's Young Leaders Residential Week requires dress codes for various events and functions.
Lucky for us the QYL team are super awesome and provided us with itineraries that indicated the dress codes for the various events. This really did make everything easy. And being a little over prepared in nature for most things I got down to planning out what I will wear for each of the events (Thanks to le sister for helping out here and being my Fashion Police). We had it all down in a spreadsheet and saved on my phone as well as a printed copy that went in my schedule file.

Now, I love sewing and I got a little over excited and decided that I wanted to sew as many of my clothes as possible for the residential week. And I thought of making mostly dresses as they could be pulled off as formal and casual.

Monday: I wore the blue dress with red roses. YES it has pockets (as most of my stitching does). Simple dress with pockets and I wore my jacket over because it was super cold.
Tuesday: Casual day at Cambridge so I wore skirt and cardigan (not pictured).
Wednesday: The paisley dress. Again simple dress (no pockets - that's another story for another time).
THURSDAY: Award evening! I sewed this black dress and my wonderful brother-in-law printed the veil for me. The award outfit had a lot of thinking and contemplating AND effort I must say. I mean what do you wear to go see Her Majesty, the Queen!!.
Friday: Double trouble. TGIF! Friday was special as it featured two outfits. The first was THE BLUE DRESS which I had stitched last year to wear to the award ceremony. It has Pacific prints and has stick figures which I thought depicted the Pacific well. Plus it was BLUE! Nobel banner blue :-) [FYI: Fiji's flag is blue and the anthem has line "Nobel banner blue"] The evening we were hosted to dinner at THE SHARD so I wore the CROWN dress. The prints on the dress are all crowns. Apt for ROYAL BANO no :-)

There you have it. What I wore during the 2016 QYL residential week. :-) 

 Until next blog,

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