Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Media training and UpRising (QYL: RW)

Hello London!!! And welcome to the QYL residential week 2016. 

The first official session for the 2016 QYL residential week was MEDIA TRAINING followed by visits to some top UK Charities

The first official session we had during the Residential week was Media training with Media Trust.  The session included how to deal with Media and how a good interview can go bad with our answers.
Some tips for media interviews:
1. Know your message.
2. Have at least 3 important things about your group/project/event and keep driving these points. The more your audience hears these points the more they will remember it.
3. If the question has a negative word don't repeat that in your answer. Turn back into positive.
4. The beauty with our SOCIAL ISSUE causes is that we are the good guys so keep bringing the focus back to the issues and the key messages.
5. Keep your cool.
6. Know what you are talking about. Be clear with what you want to say.
7. Practice your key messages every now and again. Practice with your group members and practice in front of the mirror. Practice in front of the camera. Get comfortable and ask your group for honest criticism- this will help you and your project.

UpRising: is a charity organization in the UK. Their team came to run a session with a small group of us and the session was game based. "CRISIS" we were given a scenario where the corrupt PM had been forced to resign and protesters are making certain demands. The group (us) could choose to be in;
1. Government
2. Opposition
3. Protesters
4. Business
5. Media
Naturally I picked Protesters.  It was simple: 20mins equals a day; certain instructions were given for the day and basically our actions and decisions drove how the day went. I liked how there was no end outcome. 
It was interesting how we strategise and decided who we wanted to form alliance with. There was a Google Doc we used to update "tweets" and this gave us a chance to put our voice out but also see what the others were saying. 
The media played a crucial role in all this. When the protesters tried to meet and negotiate with Government and media was not allowed. The media played this to their advantage. It was funny to us how our friends in the media were making it look like some secret society meeting. But it made us realise the media has so much power. Our group didn't meet with business so I can't say much there but I do wonder how things would turn out if we did meet business. Our meeting with opposition was interesting. I felt like they wanted to get in power so they tried to turn the protectors against the government.

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