Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The channel of life: VAGINA Monologue

Say it like it is: VAGINA.

A vagina maybe a body part to some but it is also a channel of life, believe it or not.​
People say grow a pair or strep on a pair-indicating to the male anatomy, the penis or balls and implying strength. Honey push a human out of your penis then we can talk strength
Why are vaginas strong? In the literal sense and implied. Where do I even begin. 
Let's just begin at birth and talk a little about the inhuman cruelty or female genital mutilation. What is that you ask? Some cruel monsters think it is their job to remove the clitoral hood and clitoral glans (the visible part of the clitoris), removal of the inner labia and, in the most severe form (known as infibulation), removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva. [Thank you wiki for the description]. This needs to stop. 

Moving on; the time she hits Puberty and experiences her first menstruation. Oh the pain. The blood. The stomach cramps. The runs, the hormones, the craving, the urge to eat so much and the realization of becoming FAT with all this binge eating. Or even worse, not having an appetite for anything. Feeling happy with rainbows and skittles and the next minute everything and everyone is pissing you off. The sight of, the smell of, the sound of - just about everything makes you want to start the next world war. Then within split seconds you feel so emotional, you want to fix everything that is wrong in this world, and there is too much wrong in this world. The hormones are just everywhere and it is not funny. Not funny at all. 

If that wasn't enough pain and drama then meet your first sexual encounter. The pain, followed by some pleasure if you play your cards right. But the pain. And in our society we are taught or fed that the 'woman' has to please her 'man'. If he wants to have sex 5 times that day you have sex 5 times. If you are super tired from everything and he wants to have sex, you don't complain, you get there and please him. F** that ish!! You please me! Where is my pleasure card? I am using that card like a get out of jail free card. You want to show me your 'manhood' show me a good time in bed. If you can't please me then shut the F** up and quit your complaining. MAN UP!!! 

All this sexing and pleasure making (if you are lucky) usually does end you getting 'knocked up'. You know the buns baking in your oven. The 'is it a boy or a girl'??? honey it won't be a cat or a dog. so chilex and wait. Again the craving, the hormones, the heightened sense of smell and almost everything smelling yucky! But we do it. Women get pregnant and for 9 months endure the pain of getting huge! hungry at odd hours! swelled up feet and the endless pains and craving. I mentioned craving before right. (It must a common factor in pregnancy). At the end of it all; pushing that human out of you! Be grateful to your mothers. 

Now there is nothing easy about any of this. Nothing weak. Nothing fragile. Nothing frail. Nothing easy! It is a lot of pain. A lot of hormones. A lot of cravings and more pain. So next time you want to insult someone by calling them 'girly' or 'pussy' remember the channel of life. The channel that gave you life. And if it wasn't for that girly channel you and I wouldn't be here. 

RESPECT Vagina's everywhere!!! They are strong. 

-until next blog-

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