Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Channeling that anger

This one weekend we had a keyboard war with some random dude who wouldn't shut up about women being the reason for all the domestic violence, that we (advocates) were all talk, that we spend too much money on workshops and awareness and blah blah blah my head sore!!! 

I haven't been handling anger or stressful situations very well in the recent past because there are one too many things that make me angry and I have just about had it with people blaming women for violence and rape. TELL MEN NOT TO RAPE! Problem solved. 

Anyways,  so with Mr. Keyboard warrior going on and on and beating around the bush I had to find something to calm myself down. I found this old canvas and drew. Usually it take me a few hours (sometimes days) to draw because I let the ideas flaw. I try not to force the creativity. But this time! This time I was angry that I drew in an hour or so. I used a permanent marker and before I know it the artwork was done!! 

It doesn't look angry. Although I don't know what an angry artwork would look like but I turned my anger into something constructive. I was super mad with that guy! I felt like I wanted to Say Hi by swinging a chair across his face. But I didn't track him down to beat him up. Because violence is not the answer!!