Thursday, 14 May 2015

We are FIJIAN (a letter to Keyboard Knights)

A few days ago my friend shared this link with me; coup5
While the main topic of discussion is about the Fiji Police Commissioner the comments are going all over the place. 

As I read through the comments I came across my name and the discussion on me receiving the Queens Young Leaders Award and -hold on- WHAT I WILL WEAR? These discussions took place in January. I didn't think about what I will wear and here we have others (who I dont know because they are posting anonymously) are discussing my wardrobe. The discussion carries on to my identity and the comments (I found) were racist. 

So here is my reply to the comment-ers. 

Dear Keyboard Knights, 

First of all thank you for taking out your time, internet credit and energy to discuss ME. Much appreciated. 

2) Calling me an identity thief while you post comments anonymously?? BRAVO!!! 

3) Who even wears a grass skirt these days? Please update your data packages. 

4) Burka isn't my choice of clothing. I am more a Bula Girl, although the Bula Burka might be a hit in the Islamic community. Thanks for the idea, just letting you know I may make a living out of it. You know since you posted anonymously I can't come take permission for the use of that colorful idea. 

5) I AM A FIJIAN PERIOD!!!! How do you know that I do or don't have iTaukei ancestors? You know what they saying about making assumptions..... If you so strongly feel that this National identity needs to be changed I suggest you take it up with the Government first before you come discriminating down on others. 

6)  We, the recipients of the Queens Young Leaders Award, have received an information pack entailing logistics and a guideline on what we can (and can't) wear. The options are simple; (i) Your country's National costume OR (ii) A formal lounge suit. Now judging from the comments you all made allow me clarify something. COUNTRY'S national costume. So regardless of my ethnicity as a recipient from FIJI I would wear Fijis National Costume. From the discussions I have had with other stakeholders I understand that would mean a Sulu Jamba (Chamba). Now it is UP TO ME which of the two I decide to wear :-)

I feel that moral policing of clothing is just downright racist. If someone resides in Fiji and wears the Fijian name and clothing with pride shouldn't we be happy and encourage that? 
Personally, I feel that as an Indo-Fijian and a Muslim if I wore sari or Salwar kamiz it should be just as patriot enough. I think that is why I was more inclined towards wearing a formal suit. But than I stopped to think. Why does it matter what I will wear? Shouldn't the focus be that a project I have initiated is getting Royal and International acknowledgement? Shouldn't we be concerned about nurturing youths to engage in decision making spaces, empower them to take lead roles in activities and participate in local, regional and International activities for their betterment? Moral Policing of clothing needs to stop! Because regardless of what I wear I will continue to do the work I do (and get better at it). 

There you have it. My 5 cents.!!!! 

Until Next blog...
-Your FIRST Queens Young Leader; Fiji..!!-

PS: To my fellow youth out there; the Queens Young Leaders application for 2015-2016 should be coming out around July this year. Be sure to apply. 

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