Thursday, 12 February 2015


Spoken Words: We Rise

She speaks.
She is silenced.
She rises.
She is pushed down.
She suggests.
She is ignored.
She dreams
It is broken.
She tries
She is stopped.
She asks
She is not answered.
She wants
She is not provided for.
She needs
She is not catered for.
She seeks
She is not allowed to find.
She aims
She is misguided.
Ask yourself why you hinder her.
Why does her progress cause you so much fear.
Are you worried she will excel and do better than you?
Are you scared she will know the truth?
Are you scared she will Be informed?
Are you scared she will make the right choices?
Are you scared? Yes you? Are you scared?
you the society. Are you scared.??
Yes you are. And you dont want us to know this truth.
You know we submit to your decisions because we fear the violence and the injustice that you will bring upon us.
But know that we know your truth - we feel a slow flow of power.
The power to stand even when you push us down.
The power to rise even when we are silenced.
The power to question even if you dont answer us.
We will stand up.
You will push me I will stand again.
You will push me again and I will stand again.
Eventually you will give up.
That moment will be my chance to rise.
Till than we will wait here. Patiently.
We will wait. Others before us have waited. Others with us are waiting too. We will stand up no matter how many times you push us down.
We will rise. Bigger. Better. Stronger. Faster. More informed. More strategic. More determined. More united.!
We will rise.
We will question.
We will demand.
We will challenge.
We will change.
We will negotiate.
We will remind you what our struggles were and why we are here.
We will rise.
And you will know when this rising has taken place because we will create waves!!

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