Thursday, 12 February 2015

Spoken words; By her side

By her side.

She sits in front of the mirror all dolled up
He stands next to her uncertain of his emotion.

Keep smiling.
No need to cry.
You can see us whenever you please.
Just ring and I will arrange for you to be picked.
Don't cause trouble.
Don't talk back to them.
Be patient like you have been with us
And they should treat you well.

I have given you all I could.
I hope they give you all too.
You will have to make an effort from your end
Don't set your expectations too high.

Tell them before you go anywhere.
Be back on time.
Contribute with the daily chores
Don't be lazy everywhere

Some days will be sad
Some days you will struggle
Life is full of ups and downs
Its how you pull through in the end.

Don't be coming home crying over petty things.
Don't let them walk over you.
Stand for what you believe in is right.
It is not all about you.

Be honest.
Work hard.
Share your load with them.
Help relieve their burden
They are family too in the end.

Go now, finish all this dressing
the ceremony begins in a few minutes
Don't make me cry out there
I want to see you go well.

Tears streaming down her face
A white hankie clenched in her hand.
You gave me this on first dag of school
You are the best.

A hug they share.
He leaves her side
She looks into the mirror deep.
Why do we have to leave home?
Leave our parents in the end?

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