Thursday, 12 February 2015

Dr. Vanisha M-V

my friend Dr. VM-V

The year was 2004. I had just moved to Suva (Fiji) from Nadi (Fiji) to study at the University of the South Pacific (USP). I was enrolled in the Foundation Science program. I did nkt know anyone in my very big class. Often I would hear the boys drolling over a girl and some girls complaining about this girl. Her name: Vanisha.
Why they complained - I don't know. In the second semester she was in our Biology class and would sit in the front row of the lecture class. I thought she was a nerd because our Bio lecturer was slightly insane.
The following year I enrolles in the Psychology/Theater Arts program at USP.
Vanisha was also doing Psychology and having the same classes together we became friend. A few months later she introduced  me to ger other friends. This group of friends have found a special place in my life. A few of them are very close friends of mine now while one of them ended up marrying me (thanks Vaan).
Three years of friendship and we graduated.
I had never seen anyone work so hard and be so determined. My friend was awarded with three Gold Medals. Yeah my nerd friend.
Over the three years I found her to be smart, know a lot about makeups and brands, walk too fast in heels and fall in flats, be studious, be an awesome sister and be a very supportive friend.
Soon after she was tutoring at USP and I saw the course book she wrote for one of Psych research units... all I can say is Marvellous!! Vaan left for Australia when she got the scholarship to study at ANU and I was like "whaaat I am still sitting here with a degree and you are already writijg a PhD.. i need to pull up my socks"
Vanisha always stayes in touch. Snail mail :-) i love getting mail from her :-)
Why am I writing all this... she has been an inspiration in my life for me to do best!! Because doing better is not enough..
Today I am glad that I can call wonderful Young woman Dr. VANISHA MISHA-VAKAOTI my friend...

I have one of the first few autographs of  Dr. VM-V :-) :-)

It is always great to hear from you and I wish you all the very best :-D

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