Thursday, 12 February 2015

Applying for the UNAoC 6th Global Forum

UNAOC; 6th Youth Conference in Bali, Indoensia. 

It all began when I saw a post on a facebook forum to apply for the UNAOC 6th Young Conference to be held in Bali, Indonesia 
Of course I applied! The application was due 30th June 11:59PM New York time so it meant I had a few extra hours to complete this and send it through. Finally when I sent my email through I felt so much at ease that I had sent my application before time. 
The next morning when I was checking my emails (a daily routine) I saw a notification saying that my email was not delivered to the address!! 


I forwarded my application with the delivery failure notification for the next two days as it kept getting rejected!! Finally I received an email from the organizers saying my email was received. 

Inside my head a mini me was jumping up and down for joy that it was received. 

And now the wait. Application said that successful participants will be notified by 31st July! 

FYI: I am not a very patient person so having to wait for a whole month was not an easy task for me. 

31st July! I read on the facebook page for UNAOC 6 that over 3000 applications were received. Of course this made me think that I had no chance. On the afternoon of the 1st of August I was checking email and saw the email from the organizing committee. 

Just seeing the word CONGRATULATIONS was enough to get me jumping up and down!!
So from here on the count down began! And there is a tone of prep that will need to happen. 

So I believe the preps blog should be a separate one (link here for How to prepare for a conference). 

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