Thursday, 12 February 2015

Spoken Words: Windows of change

Windows of change

Good evening.
Kindly close your eyes and
Imagine a room
4 walls
2 doors (on opposite sides)
3 windows on one wall
2 on the other two
(Whispers-> one wall has none)

Imagine the walls white
Slightly stained because they haven't been cleaned in some time.
6 ceiling fans - dusty and old-ish
5 wooden tables, vanished and well kept for their age with chair wooden chairs around it.

The room is bright as the sun shines through the windows
It us airy and cool because the wind comes in and the fans are spinning on number 2

Slowing one and than two walk in
Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Next thing I know 15 are here.
We wait for a while and stare at each other.

Smiles and hellos exchanged
Give it a few minutes 16, 17, 18, 19
Yup we shall start ...

"Good morning all my name is ... "

And thus starts my day to facilitate a session with youth.
No no don't open your eyes.

You see the room
You see faceless youth

Now imagine almost 20 young people
Aged between 18 - 35
They laugh
They talk
They draw
They write
They walk about from table to the next
They question
They answer
They protest

They are the Youth
They are the here
They are the now
They want to change things
They want to know how

Youth envision a future
Like those before us did
Youth have plans for their future
Like those before us did
Youth want make changes
Like those before us
Youth want to participate
Like those before us did
Youth want that window of opportunity
Like those before us did

Now open your eyes
Do you remember how many windows we had in that room?? 

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