Thursday, 12 February 2015

Review: FjFW 2014 Day 3

Day 3: Fiji Fashion Week 2014

Day 3 .. .
Final night of the show tonight.. 

Taking photos again back of house and tonight the catwalk is being graced by 'established designers'. 

My personal favorite tonight has been Hupfeld Hoerders Collection. He never fails to impress :-)

My second favorite lineup was showcased by MENA the colors were great and very wearable. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one or two of these outfits. 

The lights may have been dimmed from the catwalk. 
The outfits hung back on the racks. 
The relieved designers take a sigh of relief.
The after-party continued and the photography team continued to work their magic. 

View the photos brought to you by Fotofusion Photography - the team has worked tirelessly throughout the show to bring you photos from the runway each night. 

We hope you have enjoyed the photos and if you were at the show we hope you had a great time just like us. 

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