Thursday, 12 February 2015

Distributing My Guide To Voting

My Guide to Voting distribution

13th August 2014.

Liesl and I went to distribute more copies of the "My guide to voting" or as we like to call it MG2V!!
It was raining on and off but this did not deter us! We took around 80 copies with us and started from USP. Students who could not make it to our booth on USP Open day are still able to collect their copies from us.
Next stop was a 45 mins drive away into the settlement. We got a little lost but found the right house at last.
The members of the household are a mother, daughter and son. She is a single mother living in a household given to her by some family friends. Her only source of income is being an underpaid house maid. She is just trying to put her kids through school. I asked why the kids weren't in school today to which she replied they had no bus fare and she mentioned she had no food in the home.

Wait a minute. What about this bus fare scheme we hear about? So the school has refused to give her children the bus vouchers and told their mother to take the matter up with Ministry of Education. For a woman who has no food at home to feed her children I don't see how she is going to travel the City to get justice on this matter.

Our next stop was a little more fun! The household members received the books with open arms and make us a rather large cup of tea, gave us some cookies and fruits. This is was so fulfilling to our rumbling stomachs and in the rain the tea (my favorite) was just right.  One of the young girls in the house hold is an 18 year school student who has finished exams for the term and is looking forward to distributing copies of the book to her neighbors and friends and is super excited to vote!!

Our next stop was at another home that offered tea! Thank you auntie but my tummy is now full.! She was super interested because she said the book looked fun! The illustrations were very eye catchy for her and she looks forward to sharing the copies with her neighbors and families.

And this folks is why I love community work!! You network. You meet so many different types of people. You hear their stories. You feel sad. You get happy. You get caught in the rain and you burn in the sun! You carry on.

At this point I would like to thank our super awesome taxi driver MR. Sashi Prasad. Maybe we will do a vlog interview with him soon :-)

MG2V Distribution - Video

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